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We sold our bikes for 200 Euros each and drove with the bus to cambodia.

We stayed now the second night in Phnom Penh.

To the history of the country:

at the 17.04.1975 killed the comunist Pol Pot 3 mio. people of the 8mio. people who lived in the country before. In 3 years, 8 month and 20 days Pol Pot tryed to made cambodia to an full comunism country.

" Dich zu halten ist kein Gewinn und dich zu verlieren ist kein Verlust."

" Lieber versehentlich einen unschuldigen töten als einen Feind verschonen."

Pol Pot.

Next stop Kampot

with our english mate John

here killed Pol Pot 3 mio. people.

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